Cow Daze

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  • Chapter I - As the world unknowingly teeters on the edge of chaos, the Lennox family arrives at a secluded cabin retreat for their yearly vacation. With girlfriends and roommates along for the excursion, everyone is excited for two weeks of relaxation, but as a dairy recall leads to unusual consequences for humanity, the family and friends must face the strange choices of a changing world as a need to breed or be bred consumes each of them in turn.

  • Chapter II - While Luke, Joy, and Kat deal with the effects of a strange hangover, Miles works on getting the WiFi back up and running to investigate a worrisome dairy recall notice. Strange symptoms and desires begin to rule the minds of the vacationers, and some are unable to resist new temptations.

  • Chapter III - Joy goes to confess her dalliance with Kat, but Anthony never gets the confession. Instead, he gets his own little taste of the new world as the myth of the 8batch becomes reality to the entire group.

  • Chapter IV - As the older generation tries to get a handle on the virus, the younger generation deals with the first hand experience. Alicia and Purity are left in the dark, hopefully safe from the virus, but the others may already be too far gone.

  • Chapter V - With the infected younger campers contained, the hold outs discuss the ramifications of being trapped on a mountain with sex crazed relatives and friends. Miles's strength begins to fail when Penny comes up with a foolproof plan to keep everyone sane.

  • Chapter VI - Purity loses her namesake as an uninvited visitor comes to the girls' cabin.

  • Chapter VII - While Becca lends a helping hand to help relieve Kat's growing pressure, Luke seeks out someone to help him with a similar problem.

  • Chapter VIII - Purity works towards perfecting her body through the virus.  Meanwhile, Miles tries a noble escape only to find his doom waiting for him.

  • Chapter IX - Miles establishes a new family dynamic as everyone comes together.

  • Epilogue - One year later.